Wake of the Flood - Page 6

Wake of the Flood - Page 6

Stan's Alpine History Journals – Mount Everest (Chomolungma)

"Seen from outer space, the earth would appear a perfect sphere. But it is not. Its land surfaces have many bumps and wrinkles, some of which, seen on a human scale, rise to enormous heights. The highest of all is known as Mount Everest to most of the world and Chomolunga (Goddess Mother of the World) to the peoples who have dwelt at its base for centuries. … But Everest is still Everest – the highest Mountain with the thinnest air, some of the most prodigious winds, snowfields known to avalanche and ice falls replete with hidden dangers. It is a mountain that can, when it wishes, protect itself very well."

And when Stan died, the mountains cried. And this is the Wake of the Flood. Wake of the Flood by Tim Weil - Stories and Songs

A Western Ballad by Allen Ginsberg (excerpt)

When I died, love, when I died
there was a war in the upper air:
all that happens, happens there; there was an angel by my side
when I died, love, when I died.

Sic transit omnia. Sed verba perdurant. (So passes all but words endure).

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